You work hard.
Wealth is complicated.
Preserving your money is daunting.
So what do we do to support you?
We work with you to understand every relevant aspect of your life.
Your goals, fears, ambitions, aspirations and dreams.
The values that matter most to you.
The assets you hold today and those you expect in the future.
Your tax and legal position.
Then we organise all these parts into a unified system, so that your wealth is managed in close harmony with your vision and values.
You achieve a carefully protected, long-term financial predictability - along with the personal freedom and peace of mind that well-managed wealth can buy.
“Planning is bringing the Future into the Present so that you can do something about it now.” – Alan Lakin
Words and figures can be confusing. Trying to picture the outcome can be difficult without various aids, and trying to put future concepts into current terms can be an ominous prospect.
This is why we believe that the ability to see a Lifetime Cashflow Model (based upon Your Financial Road Map®) is one of the biggest benefits we can give our clients.
We show you a visual representation of your income and expenditure from now until 100, based upon assumptions agreed with you. Imagine you are living your ideal life knowing your future is everything you want it to be.
“Investing should be easy – just buy low and sell high – but most of us have trouble following that simple advice.” – Dino Tellone
If you had the choice of achieving all of your financial goals for the reasons that are important to you, or beating the markets every single day, which would you choose?
Your financial plan will be made up of multiple working parts, of which your investment strategy is just one. It is the means by which we seek the returns needed for you to achieve your goals. You will find great peace of mind when you are on track to achieving your goals or know what corrections need to be made to get there, regardless of what is happening in the market.
We offer a range of portfolios which are aligned to your individual risk tolerances and requirements. Our portfolios aim to hold the selected asset allocation for the long term. We believe that trying to adapt to market forces at the asset allocation level is a futile and potentially costly exercise.
At your regular meetings, we take all of the research and data related to your portfolio, graphically sum up what this means for you, and then recommend the actions you need to take to stay on track to achieve your goals.
Our view is that the investment strategy is the foundation from which your ideas can grow.
“Chase your passion, not your pension” – Denis Waitley.
Pensions are very important to your goal for income in retirement. They are designed to enable you to save tax efficiently during your working life so that you have capital and income available to you at or before retirement.
Perhaps you are having to make a choice right now with regard to your future pension or it may be that you simply want to consider your current pension options including Personal Pensions and Small Self Administered Schemes (SSAS).
Whatever your requirements, we are able to review, analyse and advise you on complex pension questions. Where appropriate, by simplifying your pension arrangements you may be able to achieve greater flexibility, aligned investment choice and lower costs.
We will, by making recommendations, endeavour to help you make smart choices about your income in retirement.
“Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin
Rarely have truer words been spoken and with an ever changing world, the myriad of tax rules that apply to you and your money only ever seem to increase. Taxes can be confusing and with the greatest will in the world, you don’t know what you don’t know.
You want your money to work in the most tax efficient way for you and your family. It may be a cliche to say ‘if you look after the pennies the pounds will look after themselves’, but it is a cliche because it’s true.
By having a comprehensive financial plan crafted to meet your goals and values, we will look at how you are and will be taxed personally and as a family throughout your lifetime. We can help you and your family avoid the taxation pitfalls and help ensure that whatever legacy you leave remains intact.
Taxation depends on individual circumstances as well as tax law and HMRC practice which can change.
“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.” – Henry Ford
Large or small, employer or employee, we can help ensure that your business and career are working most effectively for you.
Your business goals and personal goals are often intertwined and whether you are wishing to build your business, reward valued employees, protect against the various pitfalls that face your company or wish to protect your own career interests, we can help you get to the heart of the matter in a fiscally appropriate way to unite your professional and personal desires.
Ensure your planning and protection is working most effectively for you, your employees and your business.
“If I had my way, I would write the word ‘insure’ upon the door of every cottage and upon the blotting book of every public man, because I am convinced, for sacrifices so small, families and estates can be protected against catastrophes which would otherwise smash them up forever” – Winston Churchill
If you had become long-term ill, sick or disabled yesterday, what income would you and your family require now and in the future?
If you had died yesterday, what income would your family require now and in the future?
Financial products are at their most valuable when they are protecting you, your family, your income, your business and your property.
Insuring yourself against sickness or even death may not be uppermost in your mind. Being financially secure however, at an emotionally difficult time cannot be overlooked. By making protection recommendations, we will endeavour to ensure you and your family will achieve your goals no matter the circumstances.
“I had an inheritance from my father, it was the moon and the sun. And though I roam all over the world, the spending of its never done” – Ernest Hemingway
Whilst whimsical in sentiment, it is nevertheless true. We all leave behind a legacy for those who come after us and so it is important to both protect this legacy and ensure that whatever happens, your desires are met.
Through wills and trusts you can ensure that your money, property and sentiments go to your beneficiaries rather than the tax man. Power’s of Attorney enable you to say who you trust to make important decisions on your behalf in the event that you are incapacitated.
Each individual’s plans for their legacy are different and we are on hand to make your wishes a reality.
Are you ready to get started?
Our Approach to Working With You
Step 1
Getting to Know You and Your Financial Roadmap Experience
Step 2
Your Agreement to Proceed
Step 3
Your Written Comprehensive Financial Plan
Your Financial Roadmap Your Values Your Goals Benchmark Your Current Financial Reality
This is the point where you decide if you want to work with us and we decide if we can be of value to you
We will create your financial plan in line with your agreed objectives according to your values and goals Our recommendations to you, on agreement, will be implemented